N4-acetylcytidine modifes primary microRNAs for processing in cancer cells
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N4-acetylcytidine (ac4C) modifcation mainly occurs on tRNA, rRNA, and mRNA, playing an important role in the expression of genetic information. However, it is still unclear whether microRNAs have undergone ac4C modifcation and their potential physiological and pathological functions. In this study, we identifed that NAT10/THUMPD1 acetylates pri-miRNAs with ac4C modifcation.Knockdown of NAT10 suppresses and augments the expression levels of mature miRNAs and pri-miRNAs, respectively. Molecular mechanism studies found that pri-miRNA ac4C promotes the processing of pri-miRNA into precursor miRNA (pre-miRNA) by enhancing the interaction of pri-miRNA and DGCR8, thereby increasing the biogenesis of mature miRNA. Knockdown of NAT10 attenuates the oncogenic characters of lung cancer cells by regulating miRNA production in cancers. Moreover, NAT10 is highly expressed in various clinical cancers and negatively correlated with poor prognosis.
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Open access
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Cell line related study
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Submitter:   Yu jianxiu /
Organization:   Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine
Submission date:   2024-03-11