Accession HRS950012
BioSample Accession SAMC3075858
Individual accession HRI721440
Study accession HRA005606
Sample name QLSZ6
Sample title QLSZ6
Collection date 2019-09-20
Sample Type Ancients or Fossils
Description Double-stranded libraries were prepared for this sample. We then amplified libraries for 35 cycles using the AccuPrime Pfx polymerase to obtain enough ancient DNA for capture. The P5 and P7 primers were added last to avoid library contamination.
Tissue tooth
Biomaterial provider Institute of Cultural Relics Protection of Tibet Autonomous Region
Release date 2024-05-21
Submitter Qiaomei  Fu  (
Organization Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Submission date 2023-09-21
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