Title:   Analysis of transcriptomic and genomic characteristics of multifocal Hepatocellular Carcinoma infected with hepatitis B virus
Release date:   2025-05-01
Description:    To investigate the molecular mechanisms underlying the development of intrahepatic metastases from primary multifocal hepatocellular carcinoma and to explore differences at the transcriptomic and genomic levels between patient-derived tumor tissues with and without portal vein tumor thrombus development, we employed bulk transcriptome sequencing and whole-exome sequencing.
Data Accessibility:    Controlled access
BioProject:    PRJCA016633
Study type:   Disease Study
Disease name:    hepatitis B virus related hepatocellular carcinoma
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Data Access Committee
For each controlled accessed study, there is a corresponding Data Access Committee(DAC) who determine access permissions. Access to actual data files is not managed by the NGDC.

DAC NO.:   HDAC000708
DAC name:  Fang group
Contact person:   FANG Xiangdong
Lab URL:  
Description:   Fang group of Beijing Institute of Genomics, Chinese Academy of Sciences is responsible for data release to external requestors based on consent and/or National Research Ethics terms.
Individuals & samples
Submitter:   FANG Xiangdong /
Organization:   Beijing Institute of Genomics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Submission date:   2023-05-01