Experiment information
Accession CRX287278
Organism Nocardia cyriacigeorgica
Title 74_secA1
BioProject PRJCA006999
BioSample SAMC474179
Platform AB 3130 Genetic Analyzer
Library name Construction protocol Strategy Source Selection Layout
DNA was extracted from the Nocardia isolates using boiling method. The gyrB, 16S rRNA, and secA1 gene were amplified respectively. Then, concatenated gyrB-16S rRNA-secA1 gene sequences. OTHER GENOMIC PCR SINGLE
Processing Planned read length (bp): 394
Release date2021-10-28
Run accession Run data file information
File nameFile size (MB)
CRR335128 CRR335128.fasta.gz 0
SubmitterMing Wei (weiming@bjmu.edu.cn)
OrganizationBeijing Chao-Yang Hospital
Date submitted2021-10-28
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