Experiment information
Accession CRX316656
Organism sheep gut metagenome
Title Wi44
BioProject PRJCA007872
BioSample SAMC553559
Platform Illumina HiSeq 2500
Library name Construction protocol Strategy Source Selection Layout
Using TIANamp Stool DNA Kit extraction sheep feces microbial genome DNA, The V3-V4 region of 16S rRNA gene was selected as the sequencing region, The specific primers (338F-806R) with a barcode are then synthesized, and the amplification was using the TransStart Fastpfu DNA Polymerase system. Then the HiSeq libraries were constructed. Illumina HiSeq 2500 platform was used for sequencing and the sequencing read length was PE250. AMPLICON GENOMIC PCR PAIRED
Processing Planned read length (bp) for mate 1: 250
Planned read length (bp) for mate 2: 250
Insert size (bp): 468
Release date2022-01-14
Run accession Run data file information
File nameFile size (MB)
CRR368403 CRR368403_f1.fq.gz
SubmitterXingxing Zhang (shzuzx@163.com)
OrganizationInstitute of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine, Xinjiang Academy of Agricultural and Reclamation Sciences
Date submitted2022-01-14
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