Run Information
Accession Alias File type Date submitted Release date
CRR790175 Panicle RNA-Seq of KD8-4C (K26) subjected to 3-day cold stress, replication 1 fastq 2023-05-25 2023-05-26
Taxonomy Analysis
Data Blocks

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Experiment accession Library name Platform Strategy Source Selection Layout
CRX709078 KD8-4C-3_Rep1 Illumina NovaSeq 6000 RNA-Seq TRANSCRIPTOMIC RANDOM PAIRED
Sample accession Sample title
SAMC1255762 RNA-Seq of panicles of KD8-4C subjected to 3-day cold stress, replication 1
Project accession Project title
PRJCA016978 Inheritance of acquired adaptive cold tolerance in rice through DNA methylation