Experiment information
Accession CRX924289
Organism Triticum aestivum
Title CM104_HiFi
BioProject PRJCA022052
BioSample SAMC3266712
Platform Pacbio Sequel II
Library name Construction protocol Strategy Source Selection Layout
Genomic DNA (gDNA) was extracted from the seedling leaf tissues of CM104 according to the instructions for the CTAB method. Three methods were applied for DNA quantification and quality testing, namely, (i) NanoDrop 2000 spectrophotometry (Thermo Fisher Scientific), (ii) gel electrophoresis and (iii) Qubit fluorometry (Invitrogen). Total DNA was purified by AMPure PB beads (Pacbio 100-265-900). High-quality gDNA (>=10 μg, >=100 ng/μl) was prepared for the next step of library construction. PacBio single-molecule real-time (SMRT) bell library preparation was performed using the SMRTbell Express Template Prep Kit 2.0 (Pacific Biosciences, PN 101-853-100) in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions (Procedure & Checklist - Preparing HiFi SMRTbell Libraries using SMRTbell Express Template Prep Kit 2.0). In brief, (i) 10 μg high-quality gDNA was evaluated using pulsed-field electrophoresis, and it was confirmed that most DNA fragments were longer than 40 kb. (ii) DNA was sheared to a mode size of 15 kb or larger using a Megaruptor instrument (Diagenode B06010001). (iii) AMPure PB Beads (Pacific Biosciences 100-265-900) were used to concentrate the DNA. (iv) The SMRTbell library was prepared using Kit 2.0. Single-strand overhangs were removed, and then we performed DNA damage repair, end repair, A-tailing, adapter ligation and enzymatic digestion. Finally, library size selection was conducted by SageELF (Sage Science ELF000) or the BluePippin System (Sage Science BLU0001). (v) After library size selection, the library was prepared for sequencing with a 30 h movie on the Sequel IIe system (Pacific Biosciences, CA, USA) WGS GENOMIC RANDOM SINGLE
Release date2024-06-07
Run accession Run data file information
File nameFile size (MB)
CRR1015107 CRR1015107.bam 26,913.93
CRR1015108 CRR1015108.bam 24,229.47
CRR1015109 CRR1015109.bam 26,548.8
CRR1015110 CRR1015110.bam 24,378.14
CRR1015111 CRR1015111.bam 22,802.43
CRR1015112 CRR1015112.bam 19,287.34
CRR1015113 CRR1015113.bam 28,986.71
CRR1015114 CRR1015114.bam 28,096.79
CRR1015115 CRR1015115.bam 25,502.26
CRR1015116 CRR1015116.bam 26,339.96
CRR1015117 CRR1015117.bam 24,514.05
CRR1015118 CRR1015118.bam 26,391.78
CRR1015119 CRR1015119.bam 28,027.96
CRR1015120 CRR1015120.bam 25,774.51
CRR1015121 CRR1015121.bam 23,161.45
CRR1015122 CRR1015122.bam 26,646.4
CRR1015123 CRR1015123.bam 23,185.47
CRR1015124 CRR1015124.bam 24,229.51
CRR1015125 CRR1015125.bam 21,720.35
CRR1015126 CRR1015126.bam 23,074.94
SubmitterZehou Liu (zehouliu@163.com)
OrganizationSichuan Academy of Agricultural Sciences
Date submitted2024-01-18
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