Experiment information
Accession CRX990566
Organism Brassica rapa subsp. oleifera
Title L5-1
BioProject PRJCA024386
BioSample SAMC3447477
Platform Illumina NovaSeq 6000
Library name Construction protocol Strategy Source Selection Layout
After the sample test is qualified, the library is constructed. The main process is as follows: (1) Enrichment of eukaryotic mRNA with magnetic beads with Oligo (dT); (2) mRNA was randomly interrupted by Fragmentation Buffer. (3) Using mRNA as template, the first cDNA chain and two strands were synthesized, and the cDNA was purified; (4) The purified double-stranded cDNA was then end-repaired, A tail was added, and sequencing joints were connected, and then slices were made with AMPure XP beads Segment size selection; (7) cDNA library was obtained by PCR enrichment. RNA-Seq TRANSCRIPTOMIC PCR PAIRED
Processing Planned read length (bp) for mate 1: 150
Planned read length (bp) for mate 2: 150
Release date2024-03-18
Run accession Run data file information
File nameFile size (MB)
CRR1083783 CRR1083783_f1.fq.gz
SubmitterXuelian Ye (yexuelian201@163.com)
OrganizationCollege of Agriculture and Biotechnology, Zhejiang University
Date submitted2024-03-17
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