Run Information
Accession Alias File type Release date Data Source
SRR22757344 5CAM000391_S77_L001_R1_001.fastq.gz SRA 2022-12-16 NCBI
Data Blocks
Data Center Data address
NCBI https://trace.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Traces/sra/?run=SRR22757344
EBI https://www.ebi.ac.uk/ena/browser/view/SRR22757344
DDBJ https://ddbj.nig.ac.jp/resource/sra-run/SRR22757344
NGDC Http: https://download2.cncb.ac.cn/INSDC/SRA/22/SRR22757/SRR22757344//SRR22757344.sra   File Size:0.02G
Ftp: ftp://download2.cncb.ac.cn/INSDC/SRA/22/SRR22757/SRR22757344/   File Size:0.02G
Wget: wget ftp://download2.big.ac.cn/INSDC/SRA/22/SRR22757/SRR22757344//SRR22757344.sra   File Size:0.02G
EdgeTurbo(Test): Recommend https://ngdc.cncb.ac.cn/ettrans?filePath=/INSDC/SRA/22/SRR22757/SRR22757344//SRR22757344.sra  

Note: HTTP download speed may be slow,It is highly recommended that you download the dataset using Edge Turbo or a dedicated FTP tool (such as FileZilla Client).

Note: EdgeTurbo supports Linux command line and Chrome, Edge and Firefox browsers for Windows/Mac platforms.

Experiment accession Library name Platform Strategy Source Selection Layout
SRX18717913 CAM000391-1798 Illumina MiSeq WGS GENOMIC RANDOM PAIRED
Sample accession Sample title
SAMN32252371 LMIC human infant stool sample CAM000391-1798, whole-genome shotgun sequencing
Project accession Project title
PRJNA912682 Epidemiology and impact of emerging Campylobacter species isolated from humans and animals in Loreto Department Peru: Genome sequencing and assembly