Experiment information
Accession SRX23501824
Title Genome-seq XDR- E. coli
BioProject PRJNA1072094
BioSample SRS20353516
Platform Illumina MiniSeq
Library name Construction protocol Strategy Source Selection Layout
XDR-E. coli M19736 evolved XDR-E. coli M19736 at day 1 of subculture was extracted using the mini kit QIAamp DNA (QIAGEN) following the manufacturers protocol for Gram-negative bacteria. Concentration and purity control were performed by measuring on a NanoDrop instrument (Nano500 Micro-Spectrophotometer, Allsheng). DNA was sequenced on a MiSeq sequencer (Illumina- pair ends). The sequencing was performed in the Genomics and Bioinformatics Unit of ANLIS Malbrn (Argentina) and the library preparation was made according to the manufacturer's protocol WGS GENOMIC size fractionation PAIRED
Release date2025-01-06
Run accession Release date Run data file information
SRR27838537 2025-01-06 SRR27838537.SRA
Data Source NCBI
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