Experiment information
Accession SRX25184163
Organism wastewater metagenome
Title Tiled RT-PCR of SARS-CoV-2 from wastewater.
BioProject PRJNA1027353
BioSample SRS21873566
Platform NextSeq 2000
Library name Construction protocol Strategy Source Selection Layout
VLT_1550-240625.1 Total nucleic acid from Ceres Nanotrap concentrate of wastewater influent treated with TurboDNase, concentrated, reverse transcribed with LunaScript, amplified with ARTIC v5.3.2 primers using NEB Q5, converted into Illumina-compatible libraries using NEB Ultra II DNA kit, and sequenced on an Illumina system 250PE or 300PE. AMPLICON METAGENOMIC RT-PCR PAIRED
Release date2024-07-03
Run accession Release date Run data file information
SRR29680912 2024-07-03 SRR29680912.SRA
Data Source NCBI