NOTE:This page shows the detailed information about the selected Run and it's related information.
Run information
AccessionAliasRun data file typeSubmit DateRelease Date
CRR1138661 shFTO_rep2_IP fastq 2024-05-06 2026-05-06
Accession Library name Platform Strategy Source Selection Layout
CRX1046531 Illumina NovaSeq 6000 MeRIP-Seq TRANSCRIPTOMIC PCR PAIRED
Accession Title
SAMC3580668 MeRIP-seq of shFTO GH3 cell line
Accession Title
PRJCA025727 MeRIP-seq of growth hormone-secreting pituitary neuroendocrine tumor
Data Blocks
File Name Status File Size (MB)
S4_IP_CleanData_R1.fastq.gz Processed Succeed 1,629.89
S4_IP_CleanData_R2.fastq.gz Processed Succeed 1,718.3