The homolog information comes from NCBI Homolog. Gene Associated Human Disease comes from NCBI OMIM

Homolog Group ID Organism Symbol Gene Links Genetic Location Genome Coordinates (dog and human only) Associated Human Diseases
55452 Human PLG HGNC:9071 (HGNC)
5340 (Entrez Gene)
173350 (OMIM)
6q26 6: 160702192-160754096 (+)
Reference GRCh38.p13 Primary Assembly(NC_000006.12)
Plasminogen deficiency, type I (MIM 217090)
Dysplasminogenemia (MIM 217090)
Craniofrontonasal dysplasia (MIM 304110)
55452 Dog PLG 403602 (Entrez Gene)
- 1: 50340228-50378261 (-)
Alternate Dog10K Boxer Tasha Primary Assembly(NC_006583.4)
Ligneous membranitis
2261 Cow SELPLG 617434 (Entrez Gene)
ENSBTAG00000031851 (Ensembl)
- 17: 64298474-64314719 (+)
Reference ARS-UCD1.2 Primary Assembly(NC_037344.1)
2261 Mouse Selplg 20345 (Entrez Gene)
ENSMUSG00000048163 (Ensembl)
5_F|5_55.59_cM 5: 113955858-113970575 (-)
Reference GRCm39 C57BL/6J(NC_000071.7)
2261 Rat Selplg 363930 (Entrez Gene)
12q16 12: 42796689-42809907 (+)
Reference mRatBN7.2 Primary Assembly(NC_051347.1)
2261 Macaque SELPLG 706046 (Entrez Gene)
ENSMMUG00000031572 (Ensembl)
- 11: 108249569-108261501 (-)
Reference Mmul 10 Primary Assembly(NC_041764.1)
2261 Chimpanzee SELPLG 452211 (Entrez Gene)
- 12: 106276242-106287812 (-)
Reference Clint PTRv2 Primary Assembly(NC_036891.1)
10213 Zebrafish plgrkt 606662 (Entrez Gene)
ENSDARG00000100789 (Ensembl)
- 21: 278937-293145 (-)
Reference GRCz11 Primary Assembly(NC_007132.7)
10213 Cow PLGRKT 512609 (Entrez Gene)
ENSBTAG00000017530 (Ensembl)
- 8: 39280658-39316671 (+)
Reference ARS-UCD1.2 Primary Assembly(NC_037335.1)
10213 Mouse Plgrkt 67759 (Entrez Gene)
ENSMUSG00000016495 (Ensembl)
19|19_C1 19: 29326003-29339339 (-)
Reference GRCm39 C57BL/6J(NC_000085.7)
10213 Rat Plgrkt 293888 (Entrez Gene)
ENSRNOG00000015932 (Ensembl)
1q52 1: 227099004-227111276 (-)
Reference mRatBN7.2 Primary Assembly(NC_051336.1)
10213 Xenopus plgrkt 100144288 (Entrez Gene)
ENSXETG00000017128 (Ensembl)
- 1: 127076612-127112221 (+)
Reference UCB Xtro 10.0 Primary Assembly(NC_030677.2)
10213 Macaque PLGRKT 693286 (Entrez Gene)
ENSMMUG00000006197 (Ensembl)
- 15: 78342277-78417379 (+)
Reference Mmul 10 Primary Assembly(NC_041768.1)
10213 Chimpanzee PLGRKT 464980 (Entrez Gene)
ENSPTRG00000020753 (Ensembl)
- 9: 5331657-5389799 (-)
Reference Clint PTRv2 Primary Assembly(NC_036888.1)
55452 Cow PLG 280897 (Entrez Gene)
ENSBTAG00000001271 (Ensembl)
- 9: 96575185-96622802 (-)
Reference ARS-UCD1.2 Primary Assembly(NC_037336.1)
55452 Zebrafish plg 322691 (Entrez Gene)
ENSDARG00000023111 (Ensembl)
- 20: 42688487-42702818 (-)
Reference GRCz11 Primary Assembly(NC_007131.7)
55452 Mouse Plg 18815 (Entrez Gene)
ENSMUSG00000059481 (Ensembl)
17_A1|17_8.5_cM 17: 12597495-12638270 (+)
Reference GRCm39 C57BL/6J(NC_000083.7)
55452 Rat Plg 85253 (Entrez Gene)
ENSRNOG00000017223 (Ensembl)
1q11 1: 48325185-48367642 (-)
Reference mRatBN7.2 Primary Assembly(NC_051336.1)
55452 Xenopus plg 100496227 (Entrez Gene)
ENSXETG00000014316 (Ensembl)
- 5: 59965833-60152708 (+)
Reference UCB Xtro 10.0 Primary Assembly(NC_030681.2)
55452 Chicken PLG 421580 (Entrez Gene)
ENSGALG00000004293 (Ensembl)
- 3: 45077932-45099055 (+)
Reference bGalGal1.mat.broiler.GRCg7b Primary Assembly(NC_052534.1)
55452 Macaque PLG 703891 (Entrez Gene)
ENSMMUG00000016945 (Ensembl)
- 4: 9924065-9974321 (-)
Reference Mmul 10 Primary Assembly(NC_041757.1)
55452 Chimpanzee PLG 463117 (Entrez Gene)
ENSPTRG00000018774 (Ensembl)
- 6: 158213534-158265031 (+)
Reference Clint PTRv2 Primary Assembly(NC_036885.1)