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noncoding repressor of NFAT (NRON). ~2.7 kb. Composed of three exons, which can be alternatively spliced to yield transcripts ranging in size from 0.8 to 3.7 kb.


Identified in a shRNA knock down screening for conserved long noncoding RNAs that modulate the activity of nuclear factor of activated T cells (NFAT). Knockdown of human or mouse NRON sequences in human embryonic kidney (HEK) 293 cells or mouse 3T3 and Jurkat cell lines resulted in significantly increased NFAT activity. Knockdown of NRON increases NFAT transcription factor activity by specifically affecting NFAT nuclear trafficking. This effect is observed on the activity of multiple NFAT family members (NFATc1, NFATc2, NFATc3, and NFATc4). Using an RNA-protein affinity purification strategy with part of NRON sequence, 11 proteins were reported to putatively bind NRON. These included: calmodulin-binding protein (IQGAP1), a nuclear transport factor (KPNB1), the structural subunit of a phosphatase (PPP2R1A), a component of the proteasome (PSMD11) and an RNA helicase (DDX3X); as well as three members of the importin-beta superfamily, factors which mediate the nucleocytoplasmic transport of cargoes such as NFAT. Direct interaction was demonstrated with importin-beta 1 (KPNB1). In summary, having a repressive effect on NFAT signaling, NRON is proposed to regulate NFAT's subcellular localization as an RNA component of a protein complex that acts to represses NFAT activity. It has presumed implications in immune response and developmental processes regulated by NFAT.


Expressed in relatively low levels. Present in mouse embryos and enriched in cells derived from human and mouse placenta, muscle, and lymphoid tissues such as the spleen, thymus and lymph nodes, with differential expression of isoforms.


NRON contains blocks of sequence which are highly conserved back to chicken. In particular, it contains two large regions of 300 to 400 bases regions of near-perfect sequence conservation between rodents and primates.


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Basic Information

Transcript ID




Same with





2730 nt

Genomic location


Exon number




Genome context

000001 cacatctcta atgtaaacaa cccagcaagg gaagtagtac cctatatgtg ggggaaaagt ggttcagaga ggttaagtaa 000080
000081 ctcacccaaa gtcacacagc tgaagaaaat ggctgggcta ggatgtgcgt tcatgctctt tccaccatgc catgttgctt 000160
000161 tactgagatg acacagggca caaagtaagt gcaaacacag acctgttcat tttccattca ggaagcccat ttgccacgac 000240
000241 caatgcaact ccaacctacc aggctgactg tagaatgggt tttcctcatg ggcaacacat acacacatgc atgcatgcgc 000320
000321 gtgcatgcgt gcacacacac acacacacac acacacacac acaaaaccaa atcactgtgc attggacaag gggaaaaaaa 000400
000401 agctgccact ggaagatgaa ggaaatcaca attccaaact ccccaagttc ctaaatgcat aaagtacgtg cagcttgacg 000480
000481 gcatatggca aatcaattac tagtttaaat cttaaaacaa aaacatggca agtgtggtgc agaaataatc aagaacaacg 000560
000561 gttaggttta gattacagtg ggccactaga gttttgaata caattaatca tcattccagg caatgggaag ccatattgac 000640
000641 acttattcct aatttgaata tttaattagg gtgaagttct tcatcaaatt atcgcagaac tgggagaaag cctggaagac 000720
000721 ttacacaatt actatcttaa ccccttccca gctgctcacc tgtgaacaca gccattctag tcccagctcc gcaggggagg 000800
000801 ttgcctgtgc ccagtctctg atgctgtggg gtgctggagg ggtgctggtg actggagttg caactgcagc aggcgggagc 000880
000881 cacgtggtgg caaaggaaag gtctaagggg atgccctgct catgcttagg ctaagttctg cattgaaccc tggacacaga 000960
000961 cagaaagcca gcatgcatgg gtgctcactg ggcaccaggg tggtgctttc tgtgtccccc cccaatttaa ttctcatgac 001040
001041 aaatcctgca aaggaggcat ttctatcccc atttcacaga ggaagaaaca ggctcagaga gtgataaaac tcactcaaag 001120
001121 taacaccgcc tgtgagtggt gtaaagaagg cccaagggac acacacacac acacacacac acacacacac acacacacac 001200
001201 acacagagtt actcaccaaa agtgatgaca aagagaacac gcaaaggccc acaaaaatgt tttcaaggct gtattttgga 001280
001281 tcatctgcac cgtgtggcta aatcaaagga aaaccaaaac ccaggcctct tcaatcagca ttctaaaatt taactcttgg 001360
001361 gttcaaaatg cattactgag ccccccccca caatggaagt cacgatgccg ttgtggccag gggctcagca gaatggtgga 001440
001441 ggtgggggca gcaaagctca aggaacagtc ccacaaggcc gatttgaggc aaggtgacaa ggtggccatc caaaccccgc 001520
001521 agagtaggac tcgagaaggt gggcgctgcg ggacaggtgt ccttggggag gggaatgttt gcaacaggac aaaaaaatgt 001600
001601 gaactctttc ttctttcaag atggccaagg ctcaatgata gcatttagaa ctatacatca gcttggtgat tacgttcctt 001680
001681 aatgtacgcc tttgctatct gaaaagactt ttactaacat ttcatagata ctatgtgatt ctacgtgacc aaaaacaaca 001760
001761 cattttgcca cataatctcc ccgaaggact caggacacgg ccaagggctg agtgcacaca tgggactgga ccacggtagg 001840
001841 tccagagacc tttctgcttc cagcctccac cgagaagccg aaaaggaggg acatcctgat agtttcaggt tagccatctc 001920
001921 tccttaaaag cctgtgacgg gttcacttac cctcttgtgg aaaaggctcc atttgcagtg gccactttca gcaggaagtg 002000
002001 gatcgccagg cagaaggagg gagccgcccc agccccctgc ctgggcccac tgcaggcaca gaccccggat ccggatccat 002080
002081 caggcctgcg tggggggagc gaatggcatc ggga