16S amplicon project


Title 16S amplicon project
Description Soil microflora after biochar application. The four groups were given different dosages. Each group had three replicates.
Organism Bacteria
Data Type
Data Accessibility Open-access
BioProject PRJCA009323
Release Date 2023-10-08
Submitter Huijie Zheng (
Organization Institute of Soil Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Submission Date 2022-04-28
2Files & Download

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File ID File Title Number/Samples File Type File Size File Suffix Download Times Download
OMIX001109-99-01 Nbulksoil.64 1 others 1.34 MB zip 0
OMIX001109-99-02 NB3bulksoil.67 1 others 2.48 MB zip 0
OMIX001109-99-03 NB12bulksoil.73 1 others 2.95 MB zip 0
OMIX001109-99-04 NB3bulksoil.69 1 others 2.77 MB zip 0
OMIX001109-99-05 NB12bulksoil.74 1 others 3.29 MB zip 0
OMIX001109-99-06 Nbulksoil.66 1 others 1.62 MB zip 0
OMIX001109-99-07 NB6bulksoil.72 1 others 3.44 MB zip 0
OMIX001109-99-08 NB12bulksoil.75 1 others 2.49 MB zip 0
OMIX001109-99-09 NB6bulksoil.71 1 others 3.3 MB zip 0
OMIX001109-99-10 NB3bulksoil.68 1 others 2.76 MB zip 0
OMIX001109-99-11 NB6bulksoil.70 1 others 3.11 MB zip 0
OMIX001109-99-12 Nbulksoil.65 1 others 1.35 MB zip 0

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