metabolic of macrophage


Title metabolic of macrophage
Description we use metabonomicsm to assess the supernatant of macrophages were treated with LPS-MV and PBS-MV
Organism Mus
Data Type Metabonomics
Data Accessibility Open-access
BioProject PRJCA009897
Release Date 2024-05-13
Submitter Liang-jian kuang (
Organization Guangxi Academy of Medical Sciences,the People's Hospital of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region
Submission Date 2022-06-13
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File ID File Title Number/Samples File Type File Size File Suffix Download Times Download
OMIX001234-30-01 pos- 4 4 Metabonomics 641.29 MB tar 0
OMIX001234-30-02 pos-1 4 Metabonomics 630.35 MB tar 0
OMIX001234-30-03 pos-8 4 Metabonomics 438.07 MB tar 0
OMIX001234-30-04 pos-6 4 Metabonomics 628.61 MB tar 0
OMIX001234-30-05 pos-2 4 Metabonomics 630.67 MB tar 0
OMIX001234-30-06 pos-3 4 Metabonomics 630.41 MB tar 0
OMIX001234-30-07 pos-5 4 Metabonomics 641.3 MB tar 0
OMIX001234-30-08 pos-7 4 Metabonomics 630.28 MB tar 0
OMIX001234-30-09 pos-9 4 Metabonomics 84.77 MB tar 0
OMIX001234-30-10 neg-4 4 Metabonomics 401.37 MB tar 0
OMIX001234-30-11 neg-1 4 Metabonomics 268.72 MB tar 0
OMIX001234-30-12 neg-8 4 Metabonomics 254.88 MB tar 0
OMIX001234-30-13 neg-6 4 Metabonomics 278.38 MB tar 0
OMIX001234-30-14 neg-2 4 Metabonomics 268.07 MB tar 0
OMIX001234-30-15 neg-3 4 Metabonomics 274.88 MB tar 0
OMIX001234-30-16 neg-5 4 Metabonomics 281.94 MB tar 0
OMIX001234-30-17 neg-7 4 Metabonomics 268.81 MB tar 0
OMIX001234-30-18 neg-9 4 Metabonomics 40.92 MB tar 0

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