Molecular mechanism of focal cortical dysplasia


Title Molecular mechanism of focal cortical dysplasia
Description Focal Cortical Dysplasia (FCD) is a frequent cause of drug-resistant focal epilepsy in children and young adults. The international FCD classification of 2011 has identified several clinico-pathological subtypes, either occurring isolated, i.e. FCD I or II, or in association with a principal cortical lesion, i.e. FCD III. FCD ILAE Type IIb is the most common FCD subtype and brain somatic mutations in mTOR pathway associated genes play a major pathogenic role. Herein, the aim of this study is (i) to comprehensively describe the genotype-phenotype association in twenty patients with histopathologically confirmed FCDIIb using NGS of paired blood-brain samples; (ii) we addressed for the first time the DNA methylation signature of a previously described new subtype of FCD IIId microscopically characterized by loss of cortical layer 4 in order to define their position in the molecular landscape of common FCD subtypes. These studies may also help to elucidate epileptogenic molecular mechanism of FCD.
Organism Homo sapiens
Data Type DNA Methylation
Data Accessibility Controlled-access
BioProject PRJCA009245
Release Date 2023-08-23
Submitter Yueshan Piao (
Organization Xuanwu Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing, China
Submission Date 2022-06-19
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