Novel deep intronic and frameshift mutations causing TRIP11-related disorder


Title Novel deep intronic and frameshift mutations causing TRIP11-related disorder
Description In this study, we presented a non-consanguineous family from China with two consecutive fetuses exhibiting obvious severe limb shortening. WES detected a novel frameshift mutation (NM_004239: c.3852delT) in TRIP11 in the fetus inherited from the mother. Using high-precision clinical exome sequencing (HPCES), we identified, in addition to c.3852delT, a deep intronic single base-pair mutation in TRIP11 (NM_004239: c.5457+77T>G) that was not detected by conventional exon-based sequencing because of the low coverage at this site. This mutation proved to affect the splicing of TRIP11 transcripts.
Organism Homo sapiens
Data Type Other Type of Image Data
Data Accessibility Open-access
BioProject PRJCA011812
Release Date 2023-01-01
Submitter Minyue Dong (
Organization Women's hospital, School of Medicine, Zhejiang University
Submission Date 2022-09-13
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File ID File Title Number/Samples File Type File Size File Suffix Download Times Download
OMIX001826-01 Compound heterozygous mutation in TRIP11 in a fetus with severe limb shortening 3 Other Type of Image Data 992.1 KB tif 0
OMIX001826-02 Splicing analysis of c.5457+77T>G mutation 3 Other Type of Image Data 539.7 KB tif 0
OMIX001826-03 Reads of the two mutations from bam file 3 Other Type of Image Data 636.2 KB tif 0

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