MS200095_0022 Publication JAMA manuscript backup and fling


Title MS200095_0022 Publication JAMA manuscript backup and fling
Description The data includes MS200095_0022 JAMA publication manuscript and EDC extracted gene result data. The publication summary all MET exon 14 gene testing result result: positive or negative to separate subjects into different analysis group to see the medication efficacy and safety.
Organism Homo sapiens
Data Type Other Type of Genomic Data
Data Accessibility Controlled-access
BioProject PRJCA011896
Release Date 2023-02-22
Submitter Huiru Yuwen (
Organization Guangdong Provincial People's Hospital
Submission Date 2022-09-15
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File ID File Title Number/Samples File Type File Size File Suffix Download Times Download
OMIX001846-01 MS200095_0022 Publication JAMA manuscript 1 Other Type of Genomic Data 411.8 KB zip 0 Controlled
OMIX001846-02 MS200095_0022 Publication JAMA manuscript -extracted EDC data 1 Other Type of Genomic Data 2.4 KB zip 0 Controlled

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