CD45+ immune cells in decidua of preeclampsia patients analyzed by mass-cytometry (CyTOF)


Title CD45+ immune cells in decidua of preeclampsia patients analyzed by mass-cytometry (CyTOF)
Description Preeclampsia (PE) is a severe placenta-related pregnancy disease that have been associated with maternal systemic inflammation and immune system disorder. However, the distribution and functional changes of immune cells of maternal-placental interface have not been well characterized. Herein, cytometry by time-of-flight mass spectrometry (CyTOF) was used to interrogate the immune atlas at the decidua which was obtained from PE patients and healthy controls.
Organism Homo
Data Type Proteomic Data by Mass Spectrometry (MS)
Data Accessibility Open-access
BioProject PRJCA011939
Release Date 2022-09-20
Submitter Xiaowei Zhang (
Organization Peking University Shenzhen Hospital
Submission Date 2022-09-17
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OMIX001869-03 PE 4 Proteomic Data by Mass Spectrometry (MS) 85.2 MB zip 0
OMIX001869-04 control 4 Proteomic Data by Mass Spectrometry (MS) 63.1 MB zip 0

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