The gene expression of Baijiguan tea leaf after shading and recovery light treatments


Title The gene expression of Baijiguan tea leaf after shading and recovery light treatments
Description There were three treatments in the experiment: normal light (BS0), shading (BS) and shading for 3 days followed by the resuming of light treatment (BRL). The second leaf of Camellia sinensis cv. Baijiguan was covered with aluminum foil for shading treatment. After 3 days of shading, part of the aluminum foil was removed to restore the light to the blade. The total processing time was 6 days. The samples were named BS0, BS1 and BRL3.
Organism Camellia sinensis
Data Type Expression Profiling by NGS
Data Accessibility Open-access
BioProject PRJCA012310
Release Date 2022-10-08
Submitter Zhe Zhou (
Organization Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University
Submission Date 2022-10-06
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OMIX002015-01 all_gene_fpkm of BJG 1 Expression Profiling by NGS 5.0 MB txt 0

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