The effect of Tumor-edrived exosomes on CAR-T


Title The effect of Tumor-edrived exosomes on CAR-T
Description In this study, we demonstrated that lymphoma-derived TEX induces the activation of CAR T cells, which is dependent on exosomal CD19 molecule stimulation. CD19 CAR T cells short term primed with Raji-TEXs are therapeutically superior to unprimed CAR T cells in a mice model of Raij Rab27a-/- cells. However, lymphoma TEX may subsequently induces CAR T cell apoptosis and impair tumor cytotoxicity of CAR T cells with upregulated expression of inhibitory receptors PD-1, TIM3, and LAG3 under longer exposure. More importantly, ScRNA-seq revealed that CAR T cells typically showed more differentiated phenotypes and conversiong of Treg phenotype.
Organism Homo sapiens
Data Type Other Type of Genomic Data
Data Accessibility Open-access
BioProject PRJCA012289
Release Date 2023-03-30
Submitter Wenbin Qian (
Organization The Second Affiliated Hospital, Zhejiang University School of Medicine
Submission Date 2022-10-08
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