Methodological validation report for phenotyping of mesenchymal stem cells


Title Methodological validation report for phenotyping of mesenchymal stem cells
Description This document presents the results of a methodological examination of the analytical method for the detection of mesenchymal stem cell phenotypes by flow cytometry
Organism Homo sapiens
Data Type Biomarker Data
Data Accessibility Controlled-access
BioProject PRJCA013155
Release Date 2023-01-03
Submitter yuqian zhang (
Organization Clinchoice
Submission Date 2022-11-11
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File ID File Title Number/Samples File Type File Size File Suffix Download Times Download
OMIX002322-04 Donor 1 Source Cell Surface Marker Detection Data (Preparation) 1 Biomarker Data 13.9 KB docx 0 Controlled
OMIX002322-05 Donor 1 Source Cell Surface Marker Detection Data (Cell Bank) 1 Biomarker Data 16.1 KB docx 0 Controlled
OMIX002322-06 ELPIS20210301_result_variation_cnv 4 Biomarker Data 504.2 KB rar 0 Controlled
OMIX002322-07 ELPIS20210301_result_variation 4 Biomarker Data 714.5 MB rar 0 Controlled
OMIX002322-15 ELPIS2002D200325 2 Biomarker Data 14.43 GB zip 0 Controlled
OMIX002322-16 ELPIS2002F210331 2 Biomarker Data 9.01 GB zip 0 Controlled
OMIX002322-17 ELPIS2002H210406 2 Biomarker Data 9.36 GB zip 0 Controlled
OMIX002322-18 ELPIS2002K210417 2 Biomarker Data 8.91 GB zip 0 Controlled
OMIX002322-19 ELPIS2004D200814 2 Biomarker Data 7.88 GB zip 0 Controlled
OMIX002322-20 ELPIS2004F200831 2 Biomarker Data 8.94 GB zip 0 Controlled
OMIX002322-21 ELPIS2004H200906 2 Biomarker Data 8.76 GB zip 0 Controlled
OMIX002322-22 ELPIS2004K200916 2 Biomarker Data 8.3 GB zip 0 Controlled
OMIX002322-23 ELPIS2006D210107 2 Biomarker Data 8.18 GB zip 0 Controlled
OMIX002322-24 ELPIS2006H210307 2 Biomarker Data 8.85 GB zip 0 Controlled
OMIX002322-25 ELPIS2006K210318 2 Biomarker Data 8.79 GB zip 0 Controlled
OMIX002322-26 ELPIS20210301 1 Biomarker Data 8.97 GB vcf 0 Controlled
OMIX002322-27 Cell subsets 9 Biomarker Data 2.83 GB rar 0 Controlled
OMIX002322-28 Cytokine test results 10 Biomarker Data 10.04 MB rar 0 Controlled
OMIX002322-30 Cell morphology 18 Biomarker Data 1.01 GB rar 0 Controlled
OMIX002322-32 Value-added inhibition 2 Biomarker Data 9.72 GB rar 0 Controlled
OMIX002322-33 CFU-F 55 Biomarker Data 3.89 GB rar 0 Controlled
OMIX002322-34 Telomerase 2 Biomarker Data 42.62 MB rar 0 Controlled
OMIX002322-35 cell cycle 2 Biomarker Data 289.32 MB rar 0 Controlled
OMIX002322-37 Cell phenotypic raw data 2 Biomarker Data 2.82 GB rar 0 Controlled
OMIX002322-39 Cell STR test report 30 Biomarker Data 78.8 MB rar 0 Controlled
OMIX002322-40 IDO1 31 Biomarker Data 544.7 MB rar 0 Controlled
OMIX002322-41 Cell assay analysis data 24 Biomarker Data 303.59 KB rar 0 Controlled

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