Hypsizygus marmoreus fungi resistance


Title Hypsizygus marmoreus fungi resistance
Description A penicillium strain as the contaminating strain was identified in the factory cultivation process of the white Hypsizigus marmoreus by morphology and ITS. The growth of this mushroom was inhibited after the contamination. The earlier the contamination, the more serious the inhibiting effect. If the contamination happened in the early mycelium phase (the early mycelium), the mycelium growth will be stopped. In the mature mycelium phase (the mature mycelium), Mycelium growth will be significantly inhibited. Proteomic changes in inhibited growth of the white Hypsizigus marmoreus were investigated among the normal, the early, and the mature mycelium samples.
Organism Hypsizygus marmoreus
Data Type Proteomic Data by Mass Spectrometry (MS)
Data Accessibility Open-access
BioProject PRJCA006530
Release Date 2022-11-15
Submitter Hao Yu (
Organization Qingdao Agricultural University
Submission Date 2022-11-12
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