Detection and Analysis of the Integration Sites of GC012F Injection by NGS


Title Detection and Analysis of the Integration Sites of GC012F Injection by NGS
Description To evaluate the genomic integration characteristics and gene mutation risks post-integration of Lentiviral transduced CAR T cell products, three batches of GC012F product from the Gracell Biotechnologies Inc were tested and analyzed for the lentivirus integration sites (ISs) by Shanghai Greenikon Clinical Laboratory Co., Ltd. In the experiment process, nucleic acid of the samples was first extracted and then fragmented using the ultra sonicator. The UMI were added to the DNA fragment ends using commercial kit. The DNA fragments containing lentivirus ISs were enriched by two step PCR amplifications . Finally, the universal adaptors for sequencing were linked to the DNA fragments by PCR reaction and generated the DNA libraries. The qualification QC control was conducted on the DNA libraries before sequence analysis.
Organism Homo sapiens
Data Type Other Type of Genomic Data
Data Accessibility Controlled-access
BioProject PRJCA010892
Release Date 2022-12-09
Submitter siyu huang (
Organization Gracell Biotechnologies (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
Submission Date 2022-12-08
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