CKJX839A1CN01-biomarker data


Title CKJX839A1CN01-biomarker data
Description For drugs such as inclisiran that have been approved by major health authorities (HAs) worldwide but not in China, several special territories in China can provide drug early access to Chinese patients. A real-world evidence study in these territories can provide data of effectiveness and safety of inclisiran in Chinese population. This study will utilize real-world data from EMR database to serve as the "external control". The purpose of this study is to compare the effectiveness of inclisiran as an add-on therapy (or monotherapy in statin-intolerant cases) in real-world settings with current SoC in a matched historical cohort of patients who receive SoC in EMR database.
Organism Homo sapiens
Data Type Biomarker Data
Data Accessibility Controlled-access
BioProject PRJCA013957
Release Date 2022-12-21
Submitter shijuan lu (
Organization Haikou people's Hospital
Submission Date 2022-12-20
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OMIX002655-01 Biomarker data 34 Biomarker Data 29.2 KB xlsx 0 Controlled

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