Next-generation sequencing-based MET focal amplification can predict treatment efficacy of MET inhibitors in lung cancer


Title Next-generation sequencing-based MET focal amplification can predict treatment efficacy of MET inhibitors in lung cancer
Description Tissue samples from LC patients who underwent MET detection by FISH, NGS, and IHC tests at Shanghai Chest Hospital were retrospectively collected. MET focal amplification and polysomy by FISH were determined as MET/CEP7 ratio >=2, and < 2 with the average MET signals per cell >= 5, respectively. NGS-based MET focal amplification and polysomy were determined with in-house scripts (Burning Rock Biotech). Focal amplification and polysomy were defined as METamp-positive. IHC-based MET positive was determined with H-score >= 200. FISH was used as a reference
Organism Homo sapiens
Data Type Other Type of Genomic Data
Data Accessibility Controlled-access
BioProject PRJCA013975
Release Date 2022-12-21
Submitter Yuchen Han (
Organization Shanghai Chest Hospital, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Submission Date 2022-12-20
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