Expression profile analysis of lncRNA microarray of periodontal ligament stem cells derived from periodontal tissues of periodontitis patients after mechanical stimulation


Title Expression profile analysis of lncRNA microarray of periodontal ligament stem cells derived from periodontal tissues of periodontitis patients after mechanical stimulation
Description To investigate the differential expression of IncRNA in periodontal ligament stem cells obtained from periodontal tissues of periodontitis patients before and after tension loading, and to explore its mechanism in mechanical response.
Organism Homo sapiens
Data Type Expression Profiling by Array
Data Accessibility Open-access
BioProject PRJCA013993
Release Date 2022-12-22
Submitter Xiaochen Zhang (
Organization The Fourth Military Medical University
Submission Date 2022-12-21
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OMIX002665-01 Differentially Expressed lncRNAs and mRNAs 2 Expression Profiling by Array 15.1 MB zip 0 Unavailable

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