Porcine 60K SNP and 50K SNP genotypes of Duroc pig populations


Title Porcine 60K SNP and 50K SNP genotypes of Duroc pig populations
Description We genotyped 2 284 Duroc pig using either the Illumina Porcine SNP60k and Geneseek GGP50k
Organism Sus scrofa
Data Type Genome binding/occupancy profiling by Array
Data Accessibility Open-access
BioProject PRJCA014588
Release Date 2024-04-03
Submitter Wei chen (
Organization South China Agricultural University (SCAU)
Submission Date 2023-01-29
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File ID File Title Number/Samples File Type File Size File Suffix Download Times Download
OMIX002857-01 Illumina_60K_Duroc_pig_populations_A 380 Genome binding/occupancy profiling by Array 1.6 MB zip 0
OMIX002857-02 Neogen_50k_Duroc_pig_populations_A 757 Genome binding/occupancy profiling by Array 2.8 MB zip 0
OMIX002857-03 Neogen_50k_Duroc_pig_populations_B 1147 Genome binding/occupancy profiling by Array 5.5 MB zip 0

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