a multicancer early detection platform integrating multimodal information from cell-free DNA whole-methylome sequencing


Title a multicancer early detection platform integrating multimodal information from cell-free DNA whole-methylome sequencing
Description This dataset includes files containing the statistics of biomarker CAFF/FEM/FSI/MFR of samples enrolled in bioproject PRJCA012255. The file containing score of each metric and the ensemble score (THEMIS) is also uploaded here.
Organism Homo sapiens
Data Type Biomarker Data
Data Accessibility Controlled-access
BioProject PRJCA012255
Release Date 2023-12-31
Submitter Shugeng Gao (
Organization Cancer Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences
Submission Date 2023-02-07
2Files & Download

HTTP download speed may be slow. It is highly recommended that you download the dataset using a dedicated FTP tool (such as FileZilla Client).

File ID File Title Number/Samples File Type File Size File Suffix Download Times Download
OMIX002936-01 THEMIS 1277 Biomarker Data 108.6 KB txt 0 Controlled
OMIX002936-02 CAFF 1277 Biomarker Data 613.5 KB txt 0 Controlled
OMIX002936-03 FEM 1277 Biomarker Data 3.4 MB txt 0 Controlled
OMIX002936-04 FSI 1277 Biomarker Data 10.2 MB txt 0 Controlled
OMIX002936-05 MFR 1277 Biomarker Data 20.0 MB txt 0 Controlled

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