Accurate and early detection of colorectal cancer using a multilocus DNA methylation markers-based testing in peripheral blood mononuclear cells


Title Accurate and early detection of colorectal cancer using a multilocus DNA methylation markers-based testing in peripheral blood mononuclear cells
Description These are data of 850K methylation chip data of PBMCs of primary colorectal cancer patients
Organism Homo sapiens
Data Type Methylation profiling by Array
Data Accessibility Controlled-access
BioProject PRJCA014915
Release Date 2023-03-15
Submitter chuanxin wang (
Organization The Second Hospital of Shandong University
Submission Date 2023-02-13
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OMIX002962-01 DNA methylation data of colorectal cancer patients 50 Methylation profiling by Array 705.93 MB zip 0 Unavailable

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