MARS v1.0


Title MARS v1.0
Description MARS (The Master database of All possible RNA sequences) is a comprehensive RNA sequence database integrating the noncoding RNA sequences from RNAcentral, the transcriptome assembly and metagenome assembly from MG-RAST, the genomic sequences from Genome Warehouse (GWH), and the genomic sequences from MGnify, in addition to NCBI's nucleotide database and its subsets. MARS database is 20-fold larger than NCBI's nt database or 60-fold larger than RNAcentral in number of sequences. A preprint of the MARS paper is currently avaiable on bioRxiv with DOI: 10.1101/2023.02.01.526559.
Data Type Other Type of Genomic Data
Data Accessibility Open-access
BioProject PRJCA015080
Release Date 2023-02-23
Submitter Ke Chen (
Organization Shenzhen Bay Laboratory
Submission Date 2023-02-20
2Files & Download

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File ID File Title Number/Samples File Type File Size File Suffix Download Times Download
OMIX003037-01 MARS v1.0 compressed tarball part 0 (total 30) 5 Other Type of Genomic Data 13.4 GB tgz 0
OMIX003037-02 MARS v1.0 compressed tarball part 1 (total 30) 5 Other Type of Genomic Data 12.6 GB tgz 0
OMIX003037-03 MARS v1.0 compressed tarball part 2 (total 30) 5 Other Type of Genomic Data 14.2 GB tgz 0
OMIX003037-04 MARS v1.0 compressed tarball part 3 (total 30) 5 Other Type of Genomic Data 11.9 GB tgz 0
OMIX003037-05 MARS v1.0 compressed tarball part 4 (total 30) 5 Other Type of Genomic Data 12.3 GB tgz 0
OMIX003037-06 MARS v1.0 compressed tarball part 5 (total 30) 5 Other Type of Genomic Data 12.6 GB tgz 0
OMIX003037-07 MARS v1.0 compressed tarball part 6 (total 30) 5 Other Type of Genomic Data 12.7 GB tgz 0
OMIX003037-08 MARS v1.0 compressed tarball part 7 (total 30) 5 Other Type of Genomic Data 12.12 GB tgz 0
OMIX003037-09 MARS v1.0 compressed tarball part 8 (total 30) 5 Other Type of Genomic Data 13.4 GB tgz 0
OMIX003037-10 MARS v1.0 compressed tarball part 9 (total 30) 5 Other Type of Genomic Data 13.5 GB tgz 0
OMIX003037-11 MARS v1.0 compressed tarball part 10 (total 30) 5 Other Type of Genomic Data 14.4 GB tgz 0
OMIX003037-12 MARS v1.0 compressed tarball part 11 (total 30) 5 Other Type of Genomic Data 14.4 GB tgz 0
OMIX003037-13 MARS v1.0 compressed tarball part 12 (total 30) 5 Other Type of Genomic Data 13.4 GB tgz 0
OMIX003037-14 MARS v1.0 compressed tarball part 13 (total 30) 5 Other Type of Genomic Data 15.6 GB tgz 0
OMIX003037-15 MARS v1.0 compressed tarball part 14 (total 30) 5 Other Type of Genomic Data 15.5 GB tgz 0
OMIX003037-16 MARS v1.0 compressed tarball part 15 (total 30) 5 Other Type of Genomic Data 15.6 GB tgz 0
OMIX003037-17 MARS v1.0 compressed tarball part 16 (total 30) 5 Other Type of Genomic Data 15.5 GB tgz 0
OMIX003037-18 MARS v1.0 compressed tarball part 17 (total 30) 5 Other Type of Genomic Data 15.4 GB tgz 0
OMIX003037-19 MARS v1.0 compressed tarball part 18 (total 30) 5 Other Type of Genomic Data 15.6 GB tgz 0
OMIX003037-20 MARS v1.0 compressed tarball part 19 (total 30) 5 Other Type of Genomic Data 15.4 GB tgz 0
OMIX003037-21 MARS v1.0 compressed tarball part 20 (total 30) 5 Other Type of Genomic Data 15.4 GB tgz 0
OMIX003037-22 MARS v1.0 compressed tarball part 21 (total 30) 5 Other Type of Genomic Data 15.4 GB tgz 0
OMIX003037-23 MARS v1.0 compressed tarball part 22 (total 30) 5 Other Type of Genomic Data 15.4 GB tgz 0
OMIX003037-24 MARS v1.0 compressed tarball part 23 (total 30) 5 Other Type of Genomic Data 14.9 GB tgz 0
OMIX003037-25 MARS v1.0 compressed tarball part 24 (total 30) 5 Other Type of Genomic Data 14.8 GB tgz 0
OMIX003037-26 MARS v1.0 compressed tarball part 25 (total 30) 5 Other Type of Genomic Data 15.1 GB tgz 0
OMIX003037-27 MARS v1.0 compressed tarball part 26 (total 30) 5 Other Type of Genomic Data 14.3 GB tgz 0
OMIX003037-28 MARS v1.0 compressed tarball part 27 (total 30) 5 Other Type of Genomic Data 14.4 GB tgz 0
OMIX003037-29 MARS v1.0 compressed tarball part 28 (total 30) 5 Other Type of Genomic Data 14.3 GB tgz 0
OMIX003037-30 MARS v1.0 compressed tarball part 29 (total 30) 5 Other Type of Genomic Data 13.2 GB tgz 0

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