Human peripheral blood mononuclear cell transcriptome sequencing data


Title Human peripheral blood mononuclear cell transcriptome sequencing data
Description this study intends to characterize cellular and molecular variabilities of peripheral immune cells in healthy inactivated SARS-CoV-2 vaccine recipients by single-cell RNA sequencing
Organism Homo sapiens
Data Type Expression Profiling by NGS
Data Accessibility Controlled-access
BioProject PRJCA014584
Release Date 2023-02-22
Submitter Jun Pu (
Organization Renji Hospital, School of Medicine, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Submission Date 2023-02-20
2Files & Download

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File ID File Title Number/Samples File Type File Size File Suffix Download Times Download
OMIX003038-01 S10matrix 3 Expression Profiling by NGS 26.79 MB tar 0 Unavailable
OMIX003038-02 S16matrix 3 Expression Profiling by NGS 32.13 MB tar 0 Unavailable
OMIX003038-03 S8matrix 3 Expression Profiling by NGS 21.57 MB tar 0 Unavailable
OMIX003038-04 S22matrix 3 Expression Profiling by NGS 50.66 MB tar 0 Unavailable
OMIX003038-05 S18matrix 3 Expression Profiling by NGS 35.79 MB tar 0 Unavailable
OMIX003038-06 S23matrix 3 Expression Profiling by NGS 17.9 MB tar 0 Unavailable
OMIX003038-07 S12matrix 3 Expression Profiling by NGS 21.94 MB tar 0 Unavailable
OMIX003038-08 S20matrix 3 Expression Profiling by NGS 55.96 MB tar 0 Unavailable
OMIX003038-09 S3matrix 3 Expression Profiling by NGS 44.45 MB tar 0 Unavailable
OMIX003038-10 S19matrix 3 Expression Profiling by NGS 37.01 MB tar 0 Unavailable
OMIX003038-11 S17matrix 3 Expression Profiling by NGS 36.83 MB tar 0 Unavailable
OMIX003038-12 S11matrix 3 Expression Profiling by NGS 21.24 MB tar 0 Unavailable
OMIX003038-13 S2matrix 3 Expression Profiling by NGS 29.96 MB tar 0 Unavailable
OMIX003038-14 S15matrix 3 Expression Profiling by NGS 23.98 MB tar 0 Unavailable
OMIX003038-15 S7matrix 3 Expression Profiling by NGS 45.75 MB tar 0 Unavailable
OMIX003038-16 S21matrix 3 Expression Profiling by NGS 52.49 MB tar 0 Unavailable
OMIX003038-17 S9matrix 3 Expression Profiling by NGS 21.86 MB tar 0 Unavailable
OMIX003038-18 S13matirx 3 Expression Profiling by NGS 32.32 MB tar 0 Unavailable
OMIX003038-19 S24matrix 3 Expression Profiling by NGS 22.38 MB tar 0 Unavailable
OMIX003038-20 S1matrix 3 Expression Profiling by NGS 34.83 MB tar 0 Unavailable
OMIX003038-21 S14matrix 3 Expression Profiling by NGS 16.3 MB tar 0 Unavailable

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