2020 Enterovirus 71 in complex with NLD-22


Title 2020 Enterovirus 71 in complex with NLD-22
Description Design, Synthesis, and Evaluation of Novel Enterovirus 71 Inhibitors as Therapeutic Drug Leads for the Treatment of Human Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease
Organism Enterovirus A71
Data Type Protein 3D Structure Data
Data Accessibility Open-access
BioProject PRJCA015322
Release Date 2023-03-04
Submitter Weihong Zhou (
Organization Nankai University
Submission Date 2023-03-03
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OMIX003208-01 2020 Enterovirus 71 in complex with NLD-22 1 Protein 3D Structure Data 233.8 KB gz 0

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