TJ004309STM102 Biomarker of IHC


Title TJ004309STM102 Biomarker of IHC
Description Uliledlimab (TJ004309,Anti-CD73 Antibody) and toripalimab combination therapy in treatment naive advanced NSCLC: Phase 1/2 clinical trial results using CD73 as a potential predictive biomarker. The data is a summary of the biomarker data in in treatment naive advanced NSCLC patients.
Organism Homo sapiens
Data Type Biomarker Data
Data Accessibility Controlled-access
BioProject PRJCA016175
Release Date 2023-06-03
Submitter Mei Huang (
Organization I-Mab Biopharma Co.,Ltd
Submission Date 2023-04-11
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OMIX003703-02 TJ004309STM102 Biomarker of IHC-1 1 Biomarker Data 10.1 KB xlsx 0 Controlled

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