

Title Cryo-TEMrawdataofhumancentrosomeinsitu
Description Cryo-TEMrawdataofhumancentrosomeinsitu
Organism Homo
Data Type Other Type of Image Data
Data Accessibility Controlled-access
BioProject PRJCA015542
Release Date 2023-04-29
Submitter Shuoguo Li (
Organization Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Submission Date 2023-04-28
2Files & Download

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File ID File Title Number/Samples File Type File Size File Suffix Download Times Download
OMIX003892-01 20211016_G4-4 1 Other Type of Image Data 2.33 GB zip 0 Controlled
OMIX003892-02 20211017_G3-2 1 Other Type of Image Data 8.49 GB zip 0 Controlled
OMIX003892-03 20211017_G3-3 1 Other Type of Image Data 2.37 GB zip 0 Controlled
OMIX003892-04 20211005_G2-2 1 Other Type of Image Data 13.75 GB zip 0 Controlled
OMIX003892-05 20220115G12-1 1 Other Type of Image Data 3.87 GB zip 0 Controlled
OMIX003892-06 20220113G11-1 1 Other Type of Image Data 4.39 GB zip 0 Controlled
OMIX003892-07 20211004g2-1 1 Other Type of Image Data 2.4 GB zip 0 Controlled
OMIX003892-08 20211017_G3-4 1 Other Type of Image Data 2.28 GB zip 0 Controlled
OMIX003892-09 20220111_G8-4 1 Other Type of Image Data 955.1 MB zip 0 Controlled

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