
Title VHUT-cryo-FIB
Description Cryo-electron tomography (cryo-ET) provides a promising approach to study intact structures of macromolecules in situ, but the efficient preparation of high-quality cryosections represents a bottleneck. Although cryo-focused ion beam (cryo-FIB) milling has emerged for large and flat cryo-lamella preparation, its application to tissue specimens remains challenging. Here, we report an integrated workflow, VHUT-cryo-FIB, for efficiently preparing frozen hydrated tissue lamella that can be readily used in subsequent cryo-ET studies. The workflow includes vibratome slicing, high-pressure freezing, ultramicrotome cryo-trimming and cryo-FIB milling. Two strategies were developed for loading cryo-lamella via a side-entry cryo-holder or an FEI AutoGrid. The workflow was validated by using various tissue specimens, including rat skeletal muscle, rat liver and spinach leaf specimens, and in situ structures of ribosomes were obtained at nanometer resolution from the spinach and liver samples.
Organism Spinacia oleracea
Data Type Other Type of Image Data
Data Accessibility Open-access
BioProject PRJCA016643
Release Date 2023-06-05
Submitter Shuoguo Li (
Organization Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Submission Date 2023-04-28
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File ID File Title Number/Samples File Type File Size File Suffix Download Times Download
OMIX003894-01 liver20201028080914 3 Other Type of Image Data 19.23 GB zip 0
OMIX003894-02 20201012spinach05 1 Other Type of Image Data 7.68 GB zip 0
OMIX003894-05 27-Sep-2020 1 Other Type of Image Data 9.26 GB zip 0
OMIX003894-06 VHUT-cryo-FIBworkflowandesign 1 Other Type of Image Data 46.95 MB zip 0
OMIX003894-07 liver20201108080910 3 Other Type of Image Data 18.64 GB zip 0
OMIX003894-08 20200927pinach14 1 Other Type of Image Data 10.26 GB zip 0
OMIX003894-09 liver20201018 1 Other Type of Image Data 19.39 GB zip 0
OMIX003894-10 20201012spinach09 1 Other Type of Image Data 7.68 GB zip 0
OMIX003894-11 20200927pinach16 1 Other Type of Image Data 10.24 GB zip 0
OMIX003894-12 VHUT-cryo-FIBprotocol 1 Other Type of Image Data 2.06 MB zip 0
OMIX003894-13 liver202010281516 2 Other Type of Image Data 13.51 GB zip 0
OMIX003894-14 20200927pinach15 1 Other Type of Image Data 10.28 GB zip 0
OMIX003894-15 liver202011081112 1 Other Type of Image Data 12.69 GB zip 0
OMIX003894-16 resultsofVHUTcryoFIB 7 Other Type of Image Data 48.4 MB zip 0

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