Structural basis for two metal-ion catalysis of DNA cleavage by Cas12i2


Title Structural basis for two metal-ion catalysis of DNA cleavage by Cas12i2
Description Cas12i2 is a Class 2 type V-I CRISPR-Cas endonuclease that cleaves target dsDNA by an unknown mechanism. We reveal the mechanism of DNA recognition and cleavage by Cas12i2, and activation of the RuvC catalytic pocket induced by a conformational change of the Helical-II domain. We captured the catalytic state of Cas12i2, with both metal ions and the ssDNA substrate bound in the RuvC catalytic pocket. Together, our studies provide significant insights into the DNA cleavage mechanism by RuvC-containing Cas proteins.
Organism DNA-binding vector pODB80
Data Type Protein 3D Structure Data
Data Accessibility Open-access
BioProject PRJCA016730
Release Date 2023-05-05
Submitter Yunran Zhan (
Organization Institute of Biophysics Chinese Academy of Sciences
Submission Date 2023-05-05
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OMIX003905-01 Crystal structure of the Cas12i2 complex 4 Protein 3D Structure Data 858.8 KB zip 0

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