Rational Design of a Miniature Photocatalytic CO2-Reducing Enzyme


Title Rational Design of a Miniature Photocatalytic CO2-Reducing Enzyme
Description We designed a 33 kDa miniature photocatalytic CO2-reducing enzyme (mPCE) harboring a chromophore (BpC) and two [Fe4S4] clusters (FeA/FeB). Through reduction potential fine-tuning, we optimized the multiple-step electron hopping from BpC to FeA/FeB, culminating in a CO2/HCOOH conversion quantum efficiency of 1.43%. As mPCE can be overexpressed with a high yield in Escherichia coli cells without requiring synthetic cofactors, further development along this route may result in rapid photo-enzyme quantum yield improvement and functional expansion through an efficient directed evolution process.
Organism unidentified
Data Type Protein 3D Structure Data
Data Accessibility Open-access
BioProject PRJCA016795
Release Date 2023-05-09
Submitter Lin Liu (
Organization Insititute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Submission Date 2023-05-08
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OMIX003966-01 mPCE relatated protein data 2 Protein 3D Structure Data 85.2 KB zip 0

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