Simulated conformation ensembles for chromatin of IMR90 from ATAC-seq data


Title Simulated conformation ensembles for chromatin of IMR90 from ATAC-seq data
Description In our work, we develop a polymer-physics-based hypothesis-driven model, noted as our stochastic folding model. This model predicts the conformation ensemble of a chromatin region of interest by using only the population-averaged chromatin accessibility data as input. We use stochastic folding model to construct the conformation ensemble for chromatins in IMR90 cells. The chromatin region includes 22 autosomes and an X-chromosome. The conformation ensemble for such region is generated using the ATAC-seq data(ATAC-seq data is downloaded from Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) repository with accession code GSE169767)
Organism Homo sapiens
Data Type Other Type of Genomic Data
Data Accessibility Open-access
BioProject PRJCA017011
Release Date 2024-02-27
Submitter Luming MENG (
Organization South China Agricultural University
Submission Date 2023-05-15
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OMIX004064-01 Simulated conformation ensembles for chromatin of IMR90 from ATAC-seq data 1 Other Type of Genomic Data 1.84 GB tar 0 Unavailable

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