Deciphering the Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms of Intrauterine Adhesion through Single-Cell RNA-Sequencing


Title Deciphering the Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms of Intrauterine Adhesion through Single-Cell RNA-Sequencing
Description Intrauterine adhesion (IUA), is a common acquired endometrial disease, which is mainly secondary to endometrial injury, resulting in severe implications for women's reproductive health, causing years of potential infertility or recurrent pregnancy loss. However, the underlying molecular and cellular mechanisms that drive this pathophysiology remain largely unknown, thereby hindering early diagnosis and treatment. Here, we aimed to address this knowledge gap by profiling integrated single-cell transcriptomes of over 39,000 individual cells derived from both IUA and normal endometrial tissues. We identified distinct changes in cell type-specific and molecular signatures associated with IUA, including the inflammatory activation in immune cells, diffuse damage in epithelial subpopulations and the deposition of collagen secreted by fibroblasts subpopulations.
Organism Homo sapiens
Data Type Expression Profiling by NGS
Data Accessibility Open-access
BioProject PRJCA017474
Release Date 2024-08-19
Submitter siyu xia (
Organization Jinan University
Submission Date 2023-06-04
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