sdermin D licenses MHCII induction to maintain food tolerance in small intestine


Title sdermin D licenses MHCII induction to maintain food tolerance in small intestine
Description Single cell-RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) of IECs from GsdmdSICR mutant mice compared to WT littermates and RNA sequencing of IECs from Gsdmd-knockout (KO) mice compared to that from WT littermates.
Organism Mus musculus
Data Type Expression Profiling by NGS
Data Accessibility Open-access
BioProject PRJCA017570
Release Date 2023-06-09
Submitter Tingyue Zhou (
Organization USTC
Submission Date 2023-06-08
2Files & Download

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File ID File Title Number/Samples File Type File Size File Suffix Download Times Download
OMIX004307-01 Gsdmd +/+ IEC rep.1 1 Expression Profiling by NGS 1.12 MB txt 0
OMIX004307-02 Gsdmd -/- IEC rep.1 1 Expression Profiling by NGS 1.13 MB txt 0
OMIX004307-03 Gsdmd +/+ IEC rep.2 1 Expression Profiling by NGS 1.13 MB txt 0
OMIX004307-04 GSDMD-SICR_scRNAseq_barcode 1 Expression Profiling by NGS 56.96 KB tsv 0
OMIX004307-05 GSDMD-SICR_scRNAseq_features 1 Expression Profiling by NGS 284.08 KB tsv 0
OMIX004307-06 GSDMD-WT_scRNAseq_features 1 Expression Profiling by NGS 284.08 KB tsv 0
OMIX004307-07 GSDMD-WT_scRNAseq_matrix 1 Expression Profiling by NGS 106.9 MB matrix.mtx 0
OMIX004307-08 Gsdmd -/- IEC rep.2 1 Expression Profiling by NGS 1.13 MB txt 0
OMIX004307-09 GSDMD-SICR_scRNAseq_matrix 1 Expression Profiling by NGS 100.6 MB matrix.mtx 0
OMIX004307-10 GSDMD-WT_scRNAseq_barcode 1 Expression Profiling by NGS 64.6 KB tsv 0

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