Single cell RNA sequencing for glioblastoma


Title Single cell RNA sequencing for glioblastoma
Description The single-cell data were obtained from our surgical samples: one is glioblastoma and the other is meningioma (serving as controls). The meningioma is a benign brain tumor without aggressive cell proliferation and invasiveness.
Organism Homo
Data Type Neurobiological Data
Data Accessibility Controlled-access
BioProject PRJCA018408
Release Date 2023-07-18
Submitter Ping Zheng (
Organization Shanghai Pudong New area People's Hospital
Submission Date 2023-07-18
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File ID File Title Number/Samples File Type File Size File Suffix Download Times Download
OMIX004539-01 Brain Tumor 2 Neurobiological Data 152.9 MB gz 0 Controlled

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