Single cell RNA sequencing data of PC9 cell line


Title Single cell RNA sequencing data of PC9 cell line
Description Single cell RNA sequencing data of OR and Parental
Organism Homo sapiens
Data Type Expression Profiling by NGS
Data Accessibility Controlled-access
BioProject PRJCA018457
Release Date 2023-07-20
Submitter Shijie Tang (
Organization Shanghai Institute of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Submission Date 2023-07-19
2Files & Download

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File ID File Title Number/Samples File Type File Size File Suffix Download Times Download
OMIX004549-01 scRNA_OR 1 Expression Profiling by NGS 36.2 MB csv 0 Unavailable
OMIX004549-02 scRNA_Parental 1 Expression Profiling by NGS 239.8 MB csv 0 Unavailable

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