Quartet miRNAseq


Title Quartet miRNAseq
Description As part of the Quartet Project for quality control and data integration of multiomics profiling, we established four RNA reference materials derived from immortalized B-lymphoblastoid cell lines from four members of a monozygotic twin family. Additionally, miRNAseq datasets from the Quartet RNA reference materials were then collected, consisting of 72 miRNAseq libraries from six batches generated in four labs using five library kits (NEBNext, NEXTFLEX, TruSeq, Vazyme, and QIAseq) and two sequencing platforms (Illumina NovaSeq and HiSeq 2500).
Organism Homo sapiens
Data Type Non-coding RNA Profiling by NGS
Data Accessibility Open-access
BioProject PRJCA012423
Release Date 2023-07-21
Submitter Yuanting Zheng (
Organization Fudan University
Submission Date 2023-07-21
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OMIX004562-01 Count matrix of multi-batch miRNAseq dataset 1 Non-coding RNA Profiling by NGS 450.7 KB txt 0 Unavailable

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