Neutralization ability of specific-IgG epitope peptide against SARS-CoV2 Pseudovirus


Title Neutralization ability of specific-IgG epitope peptide against SARS-CoV2 Pseudovirus
Description We first predicted and synthesized several B cell epitopes on RBD and adjacent RBD of S protein, then the B cell epitopes were used to prepare affinity chromatography columns respectively and purify the binding IgG from serum samples of convalescent COVID19 patients. After these IgGs were identified to have neutralizing activity, the peptide sequences of the antigen-binding regions of neutralizing antibodies were analyzed by protein mass spectrometry. Subsequently, the B cells from the same individual were sorted and used to obtain their full BCR repertoire by 5' RACE combined with highthroughput of PacBio sequencing method. Then, the peptide sequence of neutralizing antibody variable region by protein mass spectrometry was mapped to the full BCR repertoire and found the full variable region sequence of neutralizing antibodies. Finally, we obtained and synthesized numerous CDR3 peptides of neutralizing antibodies to confirm the neutralizing activity for SARS-CoV-2 infection.
Organism Homo sapiens
Data Type Flow Cytometry
Data Accessibility Controlled-access
BioProject PRJCA018529
Release Date 2023-07-31
Submitter Jing Huang (
Organization School of Basic Medical Sciences
Submission Date 2023-07-22
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