Genetic Diversity and Population Genetic Structure of Dendrocalamus brandisii Revealed Based on SLAF-seq


Title Genetic Diversity and Population Genetic Structure of Dendrocalamus brandisii Revealed Based on SLAF-seq
Description Dendrocalamus brandisii is an essential species of bamboo in Yunnan Province., China, with a wide range of uses and high economic and ecological value. Understanding its genetic diversity and genetic structure characteristics provides a theoretical basis for the conservation, utilization, and genetic improvement of D. brandisii resources. The genetic diversity and population structure of 70 samples from 7 geographical populations in Yunnan Province were studied by simplified genome sequencing technology. The results showed that 514 318 SLAF tags were obtained through sequence comparison and screening, among which 234 305 were polymorphic SLAF tags, 1 651 130 population SNPS were obtained, and 375 389 SNPS with high consistency were obtained. The average completeness and heterozygosity of SNPs were 54.91% and 18.78%, respectively, with a homozygosity rate of 81.22%.
Organism Dendrocalamus brandisii
Data Type Other Type of Genomic Data
Data Accessibility Open-access
BioProject PRJCA019341
Release Date 2023-08-28
Submitter hang Tao (
Organization Southwest Forestry University
Submission Date 2023-08-27
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OMIX004815-01 Dendrocalamus brandisii SLAF tag and High consistency SNP sites 1 Other Type of Genomic Data 420.7 MB zip 0

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