WES data of early stage gastric cancer


Title WES data of early stage gastric cancer
Description The extreme trace amount of tissue samples in different stages and the lacking of proteogenomic characterization of the key events in gastric cancer progression imposed a challenge for targeted drug use in the mediative strategy of gastric cancer patients. Here, proteomic, phosphoproteomic, and genomic data were integrated for the study of gastric cancer progression.
Organism Homo sapiens
Data Type Other Type of Genomic Data
Data Accessibility Controlled-access
BioProject PRJCA019873
Release Date 2023-09-18
Submitter Chen Ding (
Organization Fudan University
Submission Date 2023-09-17
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OMIX004943-01 WES data of early stage gastric cancer 93 Other Type of Genomic Data 5.1 MB xlsx 0 Unavailable

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