RNA-sequencing of RelQ cells. (RNA-seq mapping to Gene) related to OMIX005254


Title RNA-sequencing of RelQ cells. (RNA-seq mapping to Gene) related to OMIX005254
Description mRNA Expression data for all genes with ordered locus names. RelQ cell encodes the gene for (p)ppGpp synthetase from Bacillus subtilis, whose expression is under the regulation of a gene expression inducer Isopropyl-β-D(-)-thiogalactopyranoside (IPTG). RNA-seq is performed for cells treated under the following conditions: The total RNA of RelQ cells are obtained after 6 h or 24 h with or without 1 mM IPTG addition. Changes in transcript abundance of all genes are represented as a log2 (RelQ-ox/RelQ)-fold change scale, based on transcripts per million (TPM) normalization.
Organism Synechococcus elongatus PCC 7942 = FACHB-805
Data Type Expression Profiling by NGS
Data Accessibility Open-access
BioProject PRJCA021115
Release Date 2023-11-17
Submitter Ryota Hidese (
Organization Kobe university
Submission Date 2023-11-07
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File ID File Title Number/Samples File Type File Size File Suffix Download Times Download
OMIX005212-02 Summary of mRNA expression dynamics in the RelQ cells.csv 2695 Expression Profiling by NGS 455.7 KB csv 0
OMIX005212-03 0h1_S1_L001_R1_001 (paired) trimmed (paired) (GE) 2695 Expression Profiling by NGS 191.3 KB xlsx 0
OMIX005212-04 0h3_S2_L001_R1_001 (paired) trimmed (paired) (GE) 2695 Expression Profiling by NGS 191.8 KB xlsx 0
OMIX005212-05 minus6h1_S3_L001_R1_001 (paired) trimmed (paired) (GE) 2695 Expression Profiling by NGS 191.7 KB xlsx 0
OMIX005212-06 minus6h3_S1_L001_R1_001 (paired) trimmed (paired) (GE) 2695 Expression Profiling by NGS 191.4 KB xlsx 0
OMIX005212-07 plus6h3_S4_L001_R1_001 (paired) trimmed (paired) (GE) 2695 Expression Profiling by NGS 191.4 KB xlsx 0
OMIX005212-08 plus6h1_S3_L001_R1_001 (paired) trimmed (paired) (GE) 2695 Expression Profiling by NGS 191.5 KB xlsx 0
OMIX005212-09 minus24h3_S2_L001_R1_001 (paired) trimmed (paired) (GE) 2695 Expression Profiling by NGS 191.6 KB xlsx 0
OMIX005212-10 plus24h1_S5_L001_R1_001 (paired) trimmed (paired) (GE) 2695 Expression Profiling by NGS 191.5 KB xlsx 0
OMIX005212-11 plus24h3_S6_L001_R1_001 (paired) trimmed (paired) (GE) 2695 Expression Profiling by NGS 191.7 KB xlsx 0
OMIX005212-12 minus24h1_S5_L001_R1_001 (paired) trimmed (paired) (GE) 2695 Expression Profiling by NGS 192.0 KB xlsx 0

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