Interactions of genetic variations in FAS, GJB2 and PTPRN2 are associated with noise-induced hearing loss: a case-control study in China


Title Interactions of genetic variations in FAS, GJB2 and PTPRN2 are associated with noise-induced hearing loss: a case-control study in China
Description This study aimed to screen and validate noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL) associated single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), construct genetic risk prediction models, and evaluate higher-order gene-gene, gene-environment interactions for NIHL in Chinese population.
Organism Homo sapiens
Data Type Genome binding/occupancy profiling by Array
Data Accessibility Controlled-access
BioProject PRJCA020866
Release Date 2024-02-02
Submitter Junyi Wang (
Organization Guangdong Pharmaceutical University
Submission Date 2023-11-25
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OMIX005285-01 snapshot (sample size 166) 1 Genome binding/occupancy profiling by Array 52.0 MB zip 0 Unavailable

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